Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know I can be hypnotized?

Everyone is able to achieve a state of hypnosis. It is the same state you fall into just before sleep each night, and as you come out of sleep in the morning. It is the alpha/theta level of brain wave activity. It is important, however, to have a belief, expectation, and imagination. If a person is having a psychotic experience, has been drinking alcohol prior to the sessions, or has a strong resistance, they would not go into hypnosis.

How will I know I am in a state of hypnosis?

Everyone experiences hypnosis differently, plus each session can bring varying degrees of relaxation and feelings. Many people liken it to daydreaming. They are very relaxed both physically and mentally, yet there is mental awareness.

You may experience a floating sensation and your mind may seem to wander. Your fingers may twitch, and your eyes will show signs of REM (rapid eye movement, which is an indication of alpha/theta brain wave activity.) These sensations are all very natural. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable, that you come with an open mind, and that you feel at ease with your hypnotherapist.

What is the difference between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind?


Although there are varying degrees of brain wave frequencies, we will focus on the four main levels for an easier understanding.  At the conscious level, known as Beta, you are awake, attending to your normal everyday activities. The next level is the Alpha state, where you may feel as though you are half awake and half asleep, as in daydreaming. You then gently slip into the Theta level of brain wave frequencies where you may notice exceptional insights, receive inspiration, and you are deeply relaxed. The last level is known as Delta, which is deep sleep. The hypnotic state is ideally between Alpha and Theta.

Will hypnosis make me do anything embarrassing?

No, you will not do anything you do not think is acceptable. That is, you cannot be made to violate your own values or accepted patterns of behavior. For example, clucking like a chicken or barking like a dog are the types of tricks you would see a Stage Hypnotist do at a carnival. Although, this is a valid form of hypnosis, it is done for the purpose of entertainment and should not be confused with the therapeutic value of clinical hypnosis.

Is hypnosis dangerous?

Hypnosis was approved by the American Medical Association in 1958 as a safe practice with no harmful side effects. To date, no one has been seriously hurt with hypnosis. Even if the hypnotherapist were to leave the room and not return, you would come out of it naturally on your own, or you would simply fall asleep and then wake up normally.

Can my husband (wife, sister, friend) be present during my sessions?

It is best to undergo the hypnosis appointments alone. Thoughts can be transferable and, although another person may have your best interest in mind, their influence may interfere with your positive results. Plus, you may not be able to relax as deeply with another person in the room.

Do you work with children? Should the parent be present?

I will work with children who are 8 years old or older. The best work is usually done when the parent is not present. This is because the child leans on the parent as a crutch. It is important to obtain parental consent before working with children, and to have the parent present during the initial consultation.

In one of the testimonials, your client did not want to stop smoking, and yet she did. This seems contrary to the claim that hypnosis cannot make you do anything against your will.

In a case like this, my client did desire to stop smoking at some level of her consciousness. And, as indicated in her testimonial, she continues to be a very happy non-smoker. Many times, there can be a great deal of conscious resistance or rebellion, however, on a subconscious level, a person will know what is best for their health.

How many sessions will I need, and how often would I see you?

The number of sessions depends on the nature of your desires for change or improvement. Generally, anywhere from 3-9 appointments are recommended. In most cases, the sessions are once a week with the initial program running in length from 55-65 minutes, with follow-ups appointments from 50-60 minutes. The Stop Smoking Program and Self-Hypnosis Training  are scheduled and priced separately.

Why does it take more than one session?

Generally your habits or concerns have developed and been with you for a considerable amount of time, and as a result, your subconscious is accustomed to these behaviors and mindset. And, although changes and some degree of improvement are noticeable after only one session, re-enforcement, as well as the repetition of the positive suggestions, has been shown to increase long term success.

What can I do in between sessions to keep this relaxed feeling?


In between sessions, doing the circular, consciously focused breathing is a very beneficial tool. Using Self-Hypnosis will compliment and re-enforce the work we do during your sessions. You can also take a few moments, throughout the day, to go outside, close your eyes, breath deeply, and listen to the sounds of nature.

How long have you been doing hypnosis?

I began doing hypnosis work after completing my training in 1986. Please refer to the section About Marcia for information.

Please feel free to email me with any additional questions.

Marcia Speier

InSpeier Hypnosis

hypnosis mandala Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 373-0608